Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi — one of the nation’s richest men –has gotten himself into a bit of a pickle after audio tapes of him getting his jollies on with a high-prized call girl were leaked to the interwebs this week.
The recordings were secretly made by blonde Lady of The Night Patrizia D’Addario after the 42-year-old pro spent two nights at Palazzo Grazioli, Berlusconi’s home, lending her…um…”services.”
We can’t decide what’s funniest about this story; the fact that we have yet another political bozo caught with his pants down or that some pathetic soul is still peddling her wares into her 40s! Someone please find this girl a day job.
Anywho, Patrizia is one of dozens of significantly younger women who was been invited to parties hosted by the disgraced 72-year-old in recent months.
During weeks of rumors over his relationship with younger women, Berlusconi denied claims that he’d slept with the hooker, saying he does not understand how “people could pay for sex without the thrill of the conquest.” Uh-huh. Sucks for the billionaire that the tape released today allegedly features the two having sex and then discussing his performance.
We especially like this little gem:
PD: A young man would have come in a second.. I mean he would have come… Young men usually have a lot of pressure.
SB: But if you will you allow me… (muffled) I believe it is a family thing.
PD: What?
SB: Having an orgasm.
PD: You know how long it has been since I had sex like I had with you tonight. It’s several months, since I broke with my boyfriend. Is this normal?
SB: May I? You should have sex with yourself. You should touch yourself often.
Having an orgasm is a “family thing?” Well…that’s a new one. And hearing some guy old enough to my Grandpa yammering on about “touching yourself?” What a total Brain Bleach! Moment. There’s nothing quite like an old fool is there?