On Sunday, the former American Idol winner forced her frustration over comparisions between the fourth single from her charttopping All I Ever Wanted album and Bey’s smash ballad. Kelly accuses Tedder of using the same backing track on both singles and insists she begged RCA executives not to release the song.
Tedder has issued a statement in response to Clarkson’s remarks, in it the musician writes:
“‘Already Gone’ is one of the best song I’ve written or produced since ‘Bleeding Love’ and stands tall on it’s own merits apart from ‘Halo.’ They are two entirely different songs conceptually, melodically, & lyrically and I would never try to dupe an artist such as Kelly Clarkson or Beyonce into recording over the same musical track, the idea is both hurtful & absurd. I think when people hear ‘Already Gone’ they will hear what I hear–one of the greatest female vocalists on earth giving her most haunting and heart-breaking performance on a song she helped write. I challenge people to listen and form their own opinions.”